@matty Don't we all have a subconscious desire to defy the norm and test the limits, even if there's no personal benefit involved?

Unless we built something ourselves, it's not exactly unusual to want to tear it down. That's not a problem, it's how animals shit test each other.
The problem is exactly the opposite, the weakness, the complacency, the desire for stability/peace/comfort even if the whole structure is corrupt.

We actually need more people willing to tear it all down.

Thank you uh "based accelerationist". Tell me, how do you expect your political ideology to fill the power vacuum when it all comes down?

@matty My political ideology is simple, the political system mostly doesn't matter as long as the majority is strong. Even democracy can work if we're talking about a group of 10 people who all have to put in the work and fight to survive. As long as most people are willing to kill for their freedom, we're ok. Right now, there's only one kind of power vacuum that I'm interested in, total normie death. I don't much care what fills the void, so long as collectivism doesn't survive the transition.

>as long as collectivism doesn't survive
The last thing our enemy wants is for us to become a collective. Individualism is the mantra of shabbos goy.

@AlabasterBrick @matty You're mixing tribal identity with collective, they may seem the same in theory but they're closer to opposites in practice. The more people around you, the more dependent and absorbed into the collective you are, the less obvious your identity becomes, even without multiculturalism.

Individualism doesn't mean you don't have a solid group, just like competition doesn't mean you stop cooperating, it actually works the opposite way. Your enemies are collectivists.

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Tribal identitarianism is literally collectivism, which is the same reason why the enemy wins. They are collectives based on tribal identity (jews, Indians, blacks). You are contradicting yourself in an effort to huff your own braps. ​

@matty Well believe it or not, tribal identity isn't necessarily the same as collectivism and tribes/groups can have varying degrees of individualism, even if they all share common values and discriminate against people outside of said tribe.

No contradiction but your own.
Also, the fact you're desperately trying to get a "gotcha moment", rather than focusing on the actual arguments, tells me you have no further insights. Again, not surprised.

My nigga I've had this same conversation a hundred times over the last two years. You niggers think you have all the answers (all we need to do is kill everything ever) and have zero foresight or understanding of how the world actually works. Try going and talking to people, you'd be surprised how much they'll be willing to hear if you just stop acting like you're some dollar store warlord. I have become so disillusioned with you niggers. You act like the people you hate.
This thread right here. This thread is absolute proof that the jews taking the Greeks and Romans out of our schools and education system worked exactly as planned.

Read the fucking Aeneid, please.
The gates of hell are open night and day
Smooth the descent, and easy is the way
But to return, and view the cheerful skies
In this the task and mighty labor lies

@PensiveCowboy @matty @Based_Accelerationist if your ideals can't persuade your neighbors to work together... now, what affect would they have then?

@matty @Based_Accelerationist Why have I not heard “dollar-store warlord” before now ?
That’s mine now, I’m keeping it.

@matty If you actually pay attention to what I'm saying, you'll see that I'm merely describing nature. Whereas you are daydreaming about anime fairytales where the protagonist convinces the villain with "facts and logic".

Does nature have "zero foresight or understanding" when it wipes out the weak? I think you should be more humble and accept that the universe knows better on how to deal with weakness.

As for not "acting like those you hate", I don't care for christian/shabbos goy morality.

First off nigga my life is like my favorite anime, Konosuba. I was born into this world to save it from the demon king Shekelberg. Secondly I never said anything about convincing the villain. I don't see normies as bad people, I see them as potential allies because they are tired of living paycheck to paycheck just as I am.

Your desire for adherence to the laws of nature (random shit) is simply an effort to cling to entropy as a means to an end because YOU think that YOU are the king of the jungle. If you did not see yourself in this light, you would not be so apt to subscribe to an ideology that would mean your own destruction. You are in for a very rude awakening when the lights go out because the armchair philosophy goes out the window when someone kicks in your door for a can of beans. Dumbass. ​​​​
@matty @Based_Accelerationist nuh uh, when society is radically reorganized (somehow), after it collapses completely along the lines of my own personal interpretation of plato's the republic, I will become one of the guardians and elevated to a place of prominence where I rule over all others in all of the continental united states as a lord, for sure and then I'll become emperor of earth
Sir, you have yet to make it past the bathroom threshold of your 320sqft apartment.
>no bro you don't get it when everything collapses I'll have a harem and make tough decisions but everyone will love me no matter what dude trust me I've never accomplished a thing in my life but I am worthy of this because reasons bro trust me okay you just don't get it ​​​​
NGL if I can maintain control of my front yard and have a cohesive community I'll call that a win.

I'll probably die shortly after the fall. I have no delusions of grandeur.
I actually have incredible delusions of grandeur but I try to be realistic about it.
I'd love to lead a community but I know how headstrong people are and everyone is an expert so 🤷 we will see what happens.

Maybe the Lord will work on people's hearts and minds and we will be far more cohesive and organized than we thought possible.
I hope so. We can't go out with a whimper.
@Omega_Variant @matty @Based_Accelerationist @PensiveCowboy You just keep planting seeds in your community. Set up a men's club, but don't just discuss politics. No one will join you straight away, but when shite hits the fan they'll come running to you.
I plant seeds.

Then my neighbors goats come eat them

I shoot goats. He gets angry

I'm doing great so far id say
That would be Jesus

Of course I'm not 🙄
@Aly @Omega_Variant @matty @Based_Accelerationist @PensiveCowboy Also stash away supplies, things that last awhile not food or prepper junk.
Its why I have built up a large collection of Bic lighters to barter with. I read a blog from a guy who survived the Yugoslav civil war in a beseiged town and he said those traded like gold.
Actual realistic people interested in surviving bad times refer to those delusional prepper opportunists who want to be a warlords as "walking holsters"

Yes please stockpile your ammo and seeds and tell a bunch of people where you keep it. Folks might need somewhere to scavenge after your retarded friends kill each other in an argument over whether to allow in quadroons or whatever
Oh God this is literally me and my coworkers every day :cry_hq:
@Omega_Variant @Based_Accelerationist @matty my screed on my own unhinged version of neo-feudalism and postmodernism to follow, sir
Just make sure you flush the toilet. We are civilized after all.
>septic tank

I'm 1200 gallons ahead of you dude

@[email protected] @[email protected]

The real blackpill is realizing that if the glorious revolution does actually happen in your lifetime, it will be long after you are of prime fighting age

Gen alpha owns the future

@KuteboiCoder I don't expect a "revolution" any time soon, nor am I interested in one, but I do expect war and the collapse of the West to happen way before I'm old.

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