Elon Musk (a pro-natalist) is better than Myles Poland (an anti-natalist whiteknight).

@Starprophet Elon Musk is pro-establishment, he's not "pro" anything else.

But even if he was, we don't need more people, we need fewer.
There's not enough land/resources for everyone to hunt and live on. If it wasn't for the millions of animals bred in awful conditions, vaccinated and genetically altered, we wouldn't be able to feed so many people. If you saw how the animals you eat "live" and were created, you wouldn't eat most processed food, not out of pity, but concern for your own health.


@Starprophet And to make matters worse, most people are weak normies. The more common something is, the less individual value it holds, same with people. If you want humanity to continue to evolve in the direction of collectivism and weakness, then you should be pro-natalist. If however, you value strength, freedom and individual value, then you should hope for hard times with lots and lots of death (particularly deaths that punish large groups, like diseases).

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