TFM is wrong when he says the "Cathedral" isn't scared of white nationalism. They're so scared, they don't even allow it and any such group is quickly infiltrated and dealt with. And I'm saying this as someone who has no allegiance to any skin color nor respect for what most white people have become.

Now don't mistake "white nationalism" for "Christ is King" controlled opposition groups, even though zionist agents like Halsey love to draw everyone's attention to the latter, to play the victim.

@Based_Accelerationist The "Cathedral" is not afraid of white nationalism because the alphabet agencies have (and will) prevent any uprising before they start. You can tell they don't fear them because they've tread on them without fear of retaliation. If this dynamic changes, then they will begin to fear them.


@veff They fear what a white nationalist group could turn into, which is why they don't let them organize. Compare this to the "Christ is King" movement, which they do allow and promote in the form of agents like Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes. One is not the same as the other.

Let's be clear about this, the government only fears one thing, violence directed at them. But some ideas/groups are more likely to result in that than others. And some will lead to violence that benefits them.

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@Based_Accelerationist If a resistance is so easily put down, it's not a really a threat to the system. If we had a waco situation every other year, they'd be afraid. Tough guys arguing with each other on the Internet? They already built the immune system to detect and eliminate it. The only thing threatening the US government is metaphorical immunocompromisation, because then White right wing militias do become a threat.

It's like if your knight is pinned in chess. It serves no purpose and is basically useless unless the pin gets attacked. In this case, the pin is homeland security and the feds, so they defend that stronghold instead of trying to attack the knight, which is not very useful.

@veff I didn't say they were a threat, I said that if left unchecked, they could become one, which is why they target them. Then you have other groups which they allow to flourish, which tells me they work for the establishment in some way.

Currently, the only threat to the US is Russia and China, there is no domestic threat.
But I'm all for the "immunocompromised masses" scenario though. Fingers crossed.

@Based_Accelerationist I think you misinterpret my post but we both get the jist so I don't mind

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