Isn't it ironic that the people keeping this anti-male, anti-freedom and anti-individualism system afloat, are neither women, Jewish nor welfare sponges?

It's men, it's the average "not my problem"/"just following orders" schmuck. Not only do they accept the slavery, they enable it everyday.
Those who think they were "brainwashed" haven't interacted with them enough. Their passive-aggressive nature and subversive behavior is genetic to some extent.

So who's the real enemy here? Not big pharma.

@Zeb The government is a mirror to the people, even a corrupt one.

If everyone sells their labor to the highest bidder, with no concern for long term effects and puts profit before values, why should the government be any different? Why shouldn't politicians accept Jewish money and screw their own spineless people? If we're too weak to fight against corruption, why should anyone do it on our behalf?

We're all corrupt and amoral, top to bottom and we will get the punishment we asked for.

@Based_Accelerationist The time to fight corruption was 120 years ago. FDR was corrupt, the states fought him, and they lost. Corruption has won.

Now it's time to be corrupt against corruption. Find the corruption that benefits you and your cause and make use of it.


@Mongoliaboo Yup, I won't entertain any talk of "honor", or legalities, when we're living in a dystopia. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who tells you to remain peaceful and that "there are good men and women serving in the military/police" are controlled op who will stand in the way of our freedoms.

Now, by this I don't mean we should join any "reactionary" groups either (especially on the internet) because they're mostly all infiltrated and that's not currently a viable solution anyway.

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