Wow... So Trump just posted a video on Truth Social of Netanyahu saying Iran was behind the assassination attempt. And get this, Trump wrote that there's a possibility that Iran might assassinate him and if that happens, the US must obliterate Iran and wipe it off the face of the Earth!

But please keep telling me this assassination attempt wasn't staged and Trump isn't in on it.

@Based_Accelerationist I would believe more in the following scenario than that that assassination attempt was real:

Trump, as like he disappears from the face of the earth, and suddenly reemerge in the misty morning as a drag queen named "Belladonna" and not even have ANY recollection of who he was-- where's those X:ists, with their mind-altering brain-injections and probing-abilities to meta-morph the human mind, who could perform such a thing...why are they so elusive..

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