In the past, and in some places even today, there was the council of elders. couple of people, a dozen, maybe sometimes a little bit more. no more than could fill a one room apartment. democracy worked just fine in those conditions. look at the parliaments today, where you have HUNDREDS of people and dozens of political parties. that's just incompatible with the philosophy because there are too many interests involved, too many egos, too much strategising and too little responsibility.


@Justicar The same could be said of the peasants. Whereas before you had fewer, more self-sufficient and individualistic-minded people, now you have an insane amount of worker drones all living on top of each other, fully dependent on the system they'll protect even if it robs them of their freedom.

There is simply no way to rule over so many people, without an AI-driven technocracy.

Big numbers are the issue and as always, the answer is massive depopulation.

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@Based_Accelerationist fair enough. the more people you have, the more life situations you have to tackle. hence why the laws are infinite. and why the society is being moulded to suit the herd which results in bad living conditions for the outliers that are above average in intelligence, self-sufficiency and self-reliancy. so you are essentially guaranteed to end up with dumb and dependent society as long as the society is growing. so we're back the the good old wars, famine, natural disasters

@Based_Accelerationist actually, that might explain why europe and usa have opened their borders to the savages. as long as the population is growing, governments' power is limitless.

@Justicar Exactly, population growth is their ally, at least until they replace us with fully obedient machines. It's why all the controlled opposition is vilifying the idea of "depopulation" and low birthrates, while telling us that all life is precious and we need more people, when that is precisely what's enslaving us.

Everyone knows that depopulation (especially through vaccines) would be suicidal for the system, as the elites would be culling their NPCs, which is why it will never happen.

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