china and russia are slowly cutting raw material exports to the nato/west who has very little manufacturing base and capabilities. let alone mining. no one will invest in building factories and mines because the east can start exports again and make those investments awash. and there is no skilled or willing(=lazy spoiled people) available anyway. the east has the west by the balls. it is happening at snail pace but a river can move mountains.


@Justicar Defeating a suicidal enemy isn't that impressive.

The US has worked tirelessly to ensure that BRICS is the future. Hell, the BRICS summits started as UN meetings, that's where the band got together.

Eastern people are very easy to control, Asians might as well be effeminate robots and I'd rather not even describe Indians.

Russians, Europeans and Americans are the last freedom-loving whites (barely), which is why they'll be the targets in WW3.

You won't like where that river leads.

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