People got overly quick over the Covid tyranny in 2020 and 2021.

Why? Because they themselves were playing part in oppressing their neighbours, family members, employees, elderly, patients, children in schools, people in public transport, shops..

Remember, whenever SHTF, the sheep do whatever they are being told by the shepherd, even if they are told to march off a cliff.

Never fight the system for the system will turn on you in ways you do not expect.

Always leave. Run if you must.


@Justicar Indeed. Imagine if the restrictions were never lifted for the unvaccinated. These people wouldn't even regret their decisions, they'd still be laughing and criticizing us. Because all they care about is money and their place in the social ladder. The people are the system, they are the ones enforcing the tyranny.
Which is why there's only one way to fix humanity and it's through massive depopulation.
Replacing the leaders would change nothing.

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