One day when europe, and primarily germany, frees itself from the jewmerican influence, we might get a german version of band of brothers. I would definitely want to see it.

@Justicar Frees itself? Doubtful. But maybe a giant meteor in a few thousand years.

@Based_Accelerationist there will be some kind of collapse of EU and NATO within 10-15 years. Though it seems things are accelerating like crazy by each day, so who knows, it might take only 5 years. By allowing USA to blow up Nordstream(Scholtz new ahead of time) and cutting itself from the eastern markets and commodities, Europe has signed its own death penalty. The reaper will take its time, but he'll come. And that will be good because nationalism will be able to take roots again.


@Justicar Yes, but this collapse isn't random, it's by design. The collective West is committing suicide on purpose, it's part of the plan. They will transition into the next system (which they already control and will be far worse) before any real chaos ensues, nationalism won't be allowed to take root.

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