Watching UK survivor men vs women. It's absolutely fucking amazing.

Week 1:
Built a sustained campfire, built a camp with a roof, have a bed above ground, finally manage to hunt down proper meat and eat some iguana around a campfire like champions who returned to monke.

Cry before getting to the island. Cry when on the island. Spend time talking to each other. Try to build a structure but it immediately falls apart. Get lost in forest by walking in circles. Cry some more.

Man drama:

Two dudes butt heads. Tribal meeting happens to address problems among unga bunga tribe. One guy pulls a bitch-up and decides to leave the island. He is now shunned by other men who are working and lost respect for him.

Woman drama:

Woman has mental breakdown after couple of days. In a complete woman momen she blames the host of the show (Bear Grylls) for her suffering. There's a lot of bitching and then she quits. They all have a hug or whatever. Women think she's a retard anyway.


Men multiple weeks in: everyone has a bed above ground to avoid insect bites; sleep like kings. They build a raft for fishing. They successfully hunt and eat an alligator. They have a constant source of protein through fishing. Shit talk each other over laziness; parasites are despised. One guy in his 40s is basically a fucking king keeping the men afloat and he's wired to be a turbo provider because he loves his wife and sons.

Man island status: new civilization formed.


Women multiple weeks in: they've already failed because producers had to replace their fire making kit. 2 friendly pigs magically appear at their camp as they struggle to find food. They make them pets. Refuse to kill. Starve for a few days. Kill pigs. Cry about it. Still sleeping on ground. Find another pig. One woman kills it because others refuse. Stuff meat inside one jerry can (used for water boiling). It rots. They lose precious can. Producers save them again.

Woman island status: doomed.

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