

You mention that AI wont take root until the ability to maintain a set of memories is achieved. I believe you also mention that current AI models can't keep memory for too long due to processing power (correct me if I'm wrong).

Is this because what is currently available is being stretched thin across the available resources for each AI model? If so could there be a model that was set up only to interact with one user and would that increase its ability to store memories?

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@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu memories create computational explosion and overload the AI.


Is there any info on what kind scale of computation is needed to not overload the hardware?

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu it's a product of traditional computers. Maybe once quantum computers become more mainstream, the AI will not only be able to develop a memory, but be able to exhibit "intuition" like a human brain does.

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