@Tfmonkey What we really need to do is pull a Paul Volker increase interest rates to 20% and double capital gains and dividend taxes then cut social security Medicare etc by 30%. This will be shared austerity not just cutting programs for poor people. The govt has printed way too much money and this money is sloshing around the economy pushing asset prices up. The govt needs to destroy that money and lower inflation.

@Crouchingshittingtiger @Tfmonkey but rich people who own real assets will get out of it as winners yet again.


@Justicar @Tfmonkey Even TFM knows many of these people fell ass backwards into wealth. They invested in Tech or the housing Bubble like Meet Kevin this guys has no clue of anything. We need to teach Dave Ramseys Total Money Make Over in school so more people will have wealth not just 1% having everything like in South America.

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