@Phil Of course, but they had guns and they gave them up. They allowed themselves to be enslaved. They should have revolted and executed all their politicians. The women I especially do not have sympathy for, for it is women that always vote in the damned communism. That they appeal to their "humanity" and are demanding handouts already is proof enough. They should be begging for the opportunity to work, not free shit. Nikola Tesla's first job when he got off the boat was digging ditches.
@Engineer Well I certainly agree with much of this sentiment.
But sadly, it doesn't seem that we are far behind them.
@Phil The difference is that I will stand and I will not take communism with me if I am forced to retreat. I have my secret plans.
@Engineer Maybe they did but maybe they didn't. Communism is pretty famous for coming to power with subterfuge. Maybe their elections aren't any less of a joke than ours are.