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Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted
"🇯🇵 Seibu Railway has released this poster. It features a Japanese man and woman covering their ears while people depicted as monkeys, cause a significant disturbance…
*^* The illustration is rendered in the iconic Ukiyo-e style, reminiscent of the Edo period."
Engineer boosted

What if it wasn't the Houthi's that shot the missile that hit the carrier, but Israel, USS Liberty Style, to do another Gulf of Tonkin.

So Yemen hit a carrier? So long as the media complex keeps it under wraps, nothing will materialize because of it. Does a tree make a sound if it falls in the forest and no ones around to hear? Assume it does, who cares?

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Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted

Just a reminder that shitskin immigration into Europe does NOT prop up or bolster the welfare state, but actually accelerates the welfare states collapse. Accelerates it. Which means there can only be one reason, precisely one reason, why leftists in government keep pushing for more immigration, and its not related to economics.

Engineer boosted

If the American people do not see that justice is fulfilled, eliminating all the treasonous politicians, dirty, judges, and election officials, those same people will return to finish the job they started.

There are three genders. Men, Women, and Faggots.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.