Joe Biden is either dead or a living corpse on life support. There are so many different Joe Bidens.

maybe it fused to his skin as he got older and more satanic 😅
@djsumdog @Engineer

That would be even crazier if the guy posing as Joe Biden is just some kind of double/actor, on top of the whole stolen election, puppet thing.
There is a theory that many of politicians and Hollywood have been replaced after execution for their crimes.

My question is why hide it? Are the mass population so fragile they cannot understand that treason and pedophilia are punishable by death?

Seems like that would be a message we would want to make clear.

@zero @charlie_root @djsumdog No thats some q-tard shit. If that actually happened it would be paraded as a good thing and nothing would be hidden. The real reason is these are all puppets of the deepstate/uniparty/cathedral.

precisely, if those people were being punished for those crimes... it would be public knowledge.

I think much of the hope that someone else is handling it is to placate the masses that are awake and aware of the absurd goings on.

@zero @charlie_root @djsumdog Correct, Q-annon is a psy-op to keep people placated so they don't grab their rifles and do what must be done.

@Engineer @zero @djsumdog

Yeah nothing the Q people ever said came true. It was such a waste of time.
it does seem hopeless but thats the attitude they want to achieve. Watch a couple dozen videos of ballets being shipped in, moved around. counted multiple times, etc...

you know the game is rigged and its out there but majority of people too focused on maintaining their life to do anything.
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