
@Shadowman311 This post is reminding me of jamaican creole. Jamaican language is basically a hodgepodge of english, french, and native african words smushed together over time. Their words are simplifications with as few syllables as possibles. For example, the Jamaican word for chatter or talking is cha-cha. This is true for basically all of their words. In this post, this creature turned the word "every" into "err." Blacks degenerate languages when left to their own devices.

· · Web · 2 · 6 · 12
>left to their own devices
Yea but that's an American black, who presumably, went to public schools for 13 years. I graduated hs with an negress who demonstrably could not read.
@Engineer @Shadowman311 yeah most creole languages(a pidgin becomes a creole when it becomes a real language technically) are black spoken
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