If you're wondering how many retards are on this Web site, here's the current count.

Now, I don't have a horse in this race. I married the first boy to hold my hand. He's a fine man who doesn't look at porn and who does his very best even though he knows I'll never divorce him. If the rest of you want to waste your vril on decoys, I am not personally affected.

But, oh boy. You guys thought trans women getting off on "nursing" was dark? Imagine conceiving countless baby "clones" (they will actually just be younger twins) who die in artificial wombs from utter loneliness (as the USSR's experimental orphans died in their cribs). Imagine growing up being told an AI or inanimate object is their "mother." Imagine realizing you have no hope of ever actually meeting and understanding your biological mother, as she's actually your paternal grandmother and she's dead. Imagine generations of children growing up in day care facilities while their clone fathers (older twins) work. Imagine pedophiles cloning themselves for rape and calling it "self love."

Feminism is poison. The sexual revolution did untold damage -- by pitting men and women against each other, attacking marriage, and removing procreation from sex. MGTOW aren't undoing any of those mistakes. They're simply taking them further. Thanks for being part of the problem, morons.

@shatterrealm The only alternative to ectogenesis is to change laws on who gets what during a divorce. Currently men are made into indentured servants post-divorce. As it stands now my only chance of progeny is ectogenesis because of these legal risks, so I will engineer progeny. These will not be clones, do not confuse ectogenesis with cloning. They are distinct. This is not unethical because everyone has reproductive rights, including men. Women need to give up voting or accept this future.

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