notice how single men are "incels" and "losers" and media calls it "epidemic of single men", "momma's boys"... it's never "men are enjoying their glorious freedom" type of thing. it's always shaming and hating that you dared to leave the plantation and live your own life the way you want to live it and put yourself first, before anyone and anything else. you are supposed to be a dummy, opinion-less, feeling-less wage slave and an appliance and a retirement plan for the women. never forget that.


@Justicar It's never a good thing either way. But I do agree the framing should at least be non hostile. Ideally we rule our homes and have that full authority with the women. But that is not the case. I am simply though not outright hostile to women in their nature, but in their current state. It is simply sad the system embraces collapse through women instead of men reasserting authority over their lives. The time will come when they are forced to though. When men take over again.

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