Not to say T levels and shit are irrelevant, but I think it self corrects if you let men take their biological roles and of course don't poison every food on earth. Not perfect, but I believe men would self correct more without the whole apparatus of the state preventing them from doing so.

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Fucking White Nat Nazi types saying that the state needs to intervene in mens lives to make them more manly so that T levels can be raised to raise birthrates.

Fucking retards how about the State GETS OUT OF MENS LIVES. I could guarantee you'd see stronger men w/ more T if you empower them & gtfo of their way for them to rule their homes, fuck their wives, and raise their kids. How about ending Divorce, Alimony, Child Support, and the whole 9 yards instead of butting into men's lives.


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We will worship pussy till our extinction. If that is the case then so be it! @Tfmonkey

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>I was merely highlighting the accomplishments of the jewish people

4D chess move.

None of being religious alone though stopped my parents divorcing and not wanting to be divorce raped on a whim makes me a communist though. Then what would you guess they use the fact that I had to deal with growing up through a divorce as somehow a W against me as if it doesn't prove my point and that most men don't seek relationships with women because they don't want to be divorced. The mental gymnastics blows my mind, but I guess just keep blaming men.

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I still hate sections of the religious right. I myself am religious, but I'll get mormons or very insular community older religious guys calling me a gender commie over the facts on the ground that women having expansive divorce rights and education/matched income with men leads to more divorces. Not even mentioning that they vote for, benefit from, and are supported by the welfare state the most and use Men Via the State to enforce the positive biases of women against singular men.

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Obviously this implicates all of NATO which by extension includes the US. However, I think ground forces would be Eastern European and a carrier fleet would see the black sea.

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Bordering both Poland and Lithuania. It would be the perfect sparking location for the GAE. It is pretty much NATO territory (Similar to Nord Stream), and is a relatively busy land based shipping lane for plausible deniability. They can pull some shit about how Russia was going to handle Poland and any threats made to Lithuania over the shipping access to Kaliningrad. This (IF TRUE) has Nord Stream vibes written all over it. Especially since NATO 'exercises' will be going on.

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So if anything about a potential false flag in Lithuania is true it would confirm my thoughts on the GAE wanting to drag Poland, and the rest of the bordering eastern euro states into a war with Russia via Kaliningrad. In my mind Ukraine wouldn't be the sparks of anything larger. Instead it'd be Russia's island in Europe.

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Getting 'nam flashbacks to the convos had about the nordstream explosion years ago on MMM.

This shit is so real it hurts.
@DoubleD @MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey @Mike_Microwave

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TIL women had hobbies back in the day like knitting and could fix/make your clothes.

That shit would be so OP today if women could do that.

I know it would never happen, but a man can dream.

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The solution to inflation is cutting government spending.

When you "fight inflation" by manipulating commodities markets you get producer revolts in the form of things like farmer protests and wars in the Middle East.

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Agenda 2030

It's always worth posting this 2016 WEF classic every now and then.

It reminds us all what they're doing and allows us to measure how well their plans are going

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.