@Gonzo17 No one is willing to 'fix' the system
because the system is against goyim men
by design and on purpose

The National state
and illegal star chamber courts
need to be disbanded

State Marrage
State Divorce
State Courts

its all
Anti Male
Anti Working Class
Anti Goyim
Anti White

Its all
Jewish + NWO

@charliebrownau yes we're living in an interesting time. The empire is shit and this will end.

@Gonzo17 Once the boomers die off
and the christian church is no longer white

nWO 2030 smart digital minute cities happen

We might FINALLY have SOME people willing to look outside the ((( mainstream )))
@Gonzo17 @charliebrownau If you want the notification too, you have to pay for it. Only one free one was available.
@Gonzo17 @Thickasabrick Im gearing up for SHTF

I dont need a 'notifcation'

The sheeple are fucked without getting told what to do and dogs of the state 'protecting' them
@Gonzo17 @Thickasabrick I want a off-grid tinyhomestead
with moat
with wall
10m length of broken glass around my land
with a huge gate
with a turret

Ill be practicing my I told you so dance
@charliebrownau @Gonzo17 Better get off your ass, those walls aren't going to get place on their own
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