If the US does full on collapse, I think it will shock most people living in the US. Yes, we have many bad signs deterioration, but most people still are living fairly comfortably in spite of the issues with inflation.

Food not being on grocery store shelves, electricity turned off, and gas not being at the pump are things most people are not going to be able to contemplate. For most people, that will mean death.

That is indeed a worst case scenario, but even considering the downgrade in the standards of living will be something most people will not be able to swallow. All necessities being extremely expensive means less disposable income for things that people most certainly do not need. We are too used to comforts, and taking away those comforts will drive some to think it is the end of the world even if it is not.

@houseoftolstoy I watched a video from Cityprepper awhile ago, and he referenced a stat that if the grid went down in the US by either EMP or a total economic collapse, without power/electricity it could mean death for at least 90% of the population within 24 months. And this was taking in to account that the modern grid system was in desperate need of an update, even before all this climate change agenda and energy manipulation.

@houseoftolstoy also you gotta take into account how much the modern world relies on utilities, it will greatly affect essential industries i.e hospitals who are completely dependent on power and utilities, a lot will die, more than most can imagine.

90% in 24 months is a gross exaggeration. Most people can adapt to life without electricity. Life would be different, but it's not air or water.

@I_AmTheKnight @houseoftolstoy


@redmaple @houseoftolstoy I mean think about it, without electricity there would be no food, water, climate control and a lot of modern medicine depends on the grid. Maybe 90% is high but it would definitely be over 50% considering all the people that depend on welfare, that are overweight/obese, dependent on medication and live in urban areas. Only 2% of Americans are farmers, most Americans aren’t that self sufficient, we’re highly dependent on just in time delivery systems.

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