25:30 So, this guest claims that there is a 20 year latency for cancers and respiratory maladies and that is what covid is; a cover up.for the fallout from the WTC building planned destruction.

20:01 The guest claims that it was a cleverly deliberate detonation of the materials used in the building od the WTC, on a molecular level, which causes a nuclear reaction/explosion.

...sometimes I wonder about Vince...



@sardonicsmile that’s weird but really interesting, I remember seeing pictures of people covered in debris after the towers fell, I learned about 9/11 in school I never saw it on TV I was too young, but I remember people saying there was alot of toxic chemicals released, but I never really thought about what happened to all those people in lower Manhattan who were in the debris area. There’s alot of conspiracies around 9/11, it does seem weird to tie it to Covid though.

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