You can’t blame the men for broken families because women are the gate keepers of sex and reproduction, and also in the family courts women use the children as leverage knowing that the less a man sees the kid the more resources they’ll be able to extract. It’s all about money that’s the reason women initiate 80% of divorces. Since the 1970s I believe, marriage rates have dropped roughly between 50-60%.

@I_AmTheKnight Another thing is that men are gatekeepers of relationships and if men are not willing to be in relationship with todays women.

It says lot about women. Men had no problems with relationships until women freedom and "feminsm".

But again we must blame symptom and not real cause.


@Stahesh I would also argue that men aren’t really the ones who are the gatekeepers of relationships anymore, simply because of the family court system. I would agree with you if we were talking prior to second wave feminism, but if you look at no fault divorce, child custody laws, alimony and child support laws women hold all the cards to relationships too. Not to mention they end relationships and marriage more often than men. If a relationship/marriage lasts it’s because the woman sees value.

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