@zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan

Woof, why are you watching that dumb ass hammer head havin grifting hoe's channel? There are far better content creators ripping Rollo.

I still watch his stuff but as background noise. He's a tool through and through but he's read and compiled enough data that he's got good things to stay.

Psychology is fake and gay but it is possible to look at how we've evolved as a species and as a society and draw some lines connecting dots.


@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan honestly I like a lot of talking points that Rollo uses, I don’t agree with everything he says but I do occasionally watch his streams and clips. He cites alot of good research and is quite articulate. I honestly wish we can unite the manosphere as a whole, which is why I can’t help but listen to Rollos arguments but also I listen to bpillers talking points as well. I think most people in the manosphere are worth listening to at the very least.

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