@zebuceta @tournel

I see the men/women red pill as parallel to the political red pill. Curtis Yarvin said sometime that it used to be way too soon for political change, now it’s just too soon.

Seems like the acceptance of the woman issue is getting there but still has a way to go.


@southpole21 @zebuceta @tournel I have some hope seeing this, I believe that after society collapses and we’re rebuilding most men will recognize and understand why women shouldn’t have power. It is the weak men who are enforcing women’s rights, but when those men parish as the system breaks down into collapse/ civil war, the strong men who will rebuild will understand that you cannot have a society built on equality. I even saw Tim Pool saying that only people subject to the draft should vote.

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@I_AmTheKnight @zebuceta @tournel

Yeah it seems to be quietly going mainstream (ie tim pool)). There will be some point when it will be accepted as fact enough that people will start talking about what to do about it.

@southpole21 @zebuceta @tournel yeah it’s insane how if we were talking about repealing the 19th back in 2016/2017 people would completely dismiss us, now I’m starting to hear people outside the manosphere talking about balancing rights/responsibilities. It takes time for these things to manifest, we’re just ahead of the curve.

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