@I_AmTheKnight I put it on in the background, and this Rudyard guy doesn't know shit about history.

His theory of religion is a complete miss. Our evidence for religion goes back to the first known settlement, Gobekli Tepe.

His bit about IOUs is also wrong. Hammurabi's code of laws, dated to ~1750 BC, documents that trade was done in grain and precious metals.

What a joke.

@Mongoliaboo I don’t know I mean, he seems to be smart enough to connect a lot of the same dots that we’ve connected in this sphere. Also he’s only 22 and I’m not saying I agree with everything he says, but I think he has a bright future ahead of him.

@I_AmTheKnight Did he connect those dots? We might have connected them for him.

@Mongoliaboo he’s getting there, he needs more time but he’ll get there.

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