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Why is it that it's always a Japanese person who gets summoned in an isekai? Simple answer: anime is made in Japan. Same reason aliens speak English in Star Trek.

But there is a reason. Imagine a Pakistani got summoned. He'd reject the goddess as a demon, and refuse to protect the world he's summoned into. He'd say their world is being punished by God for not worshiping him, and start teaching Islam.

It would be a similar story with any sincere Jew or Christian. I'd watch it.

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@Tfmonkey one of the guys who mirrored your most watched video got goted , trump is probably realing in the mansphere on the "women hate to get the birth rates up" they never fuking learn do they. they think they can just fuking memory whole the atroutios nature of holes.

was about to ask if they took urs down but remember you self nuked.

Mfers think it's so over now but don't even know it's been over since 5 millenia ago.

This turned out way better than I was hoping for. Word to the wise, Suno censors "jew", so write "ju".

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