@Indignation He also tried to larp that he knew how to fight, but he didn't know that the rear naked choke is a blood choke. All his fight stories are "I punched this guy really hard and I won", which is not how people who know how to fight talk.

What kind of punch? What setup? What did the opponent do wrong defensively?

The guy is clearly a narcissist.


@Mongoliaboo In his latest stream. He mocks the guy that burned himself. I mean he dug some dirt on him, for god sake that guy is died. What claims to be Christian btw. He said only leftists women support Palestine. Bitch what if I hate the psychotic Jews that kill babies and women. I reported that video and YouTube removed that video, I bet he will cry about it.

@Indignation Disgusting. He and Hammerhand are massive drama whores, always looking to stir up some nonsense to stay relevant. That's why I don't like them.

@Mongoliaboo @Indignation being completely honest, I don’t mind watching his round table streams with Sandman, BetterBachelor, or Drex. The roundtable streams seem to be more productive.

@I_AmTheKnight @Mongoliaboo but you have to listen to his bloody music for 2 hours lol

@Indignation @Mongoliaboo I don’t really watch his streams live, so I just skip the music.

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