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Islam is religion of the stupid. Christianity is religion of the slaves. Judaism is the religion of the wicked. Buddhism is the religion of the individualists. Taoism is the religion of the stoics. I think that explains why Islam is rising and why there are so many white atheists.

i might use A over B because B got woke and i will accept shortfalls of A over B. but if A and B get woke altogether, and i am forced to use one of them, i will use the best one. so imagine if all linux distributions would get woke, i would use windows 11 because at that point, there is no point in avoiding it.

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me: "hey, i have this technical problem and i need consultancy to help me solve it."

company: "hello, mr...., i would like to schedule a meeting with our sales person..."

me, thinking "don't waste my fucking time!"

seems israel killed yet another higher-up, from hamas this time. lol. i might start rooting for the foreskin-less if these camel fuckers are so insanely incapable of anything. oh yeah, they totally did 9/11. sure...

i don't understand how anyone can get any business done, when you send a business enquiry email to a company before noon and don't get a reply within the same day.

next week will change the world for ever. it will transform the entire remainder of the 21st century.

i talk a lot of shit about everything. essentially i am mostly complaining. and people hate that, myself included. but the problem is that i complain because things are broken and people got used to it. things not working or being of poor quality is the norm and people accept it. when i keep pointing it out, i am the bad guy. i just don't get how people can be so content in a actively decaying society.

this is NOT how you get out of cuffs. these are "movie cuffs" with zero security for the key hole. real cuffs do not work like this. so in case you are curious, the way to get out of the real thing is to find a paper clip or very thin hair clip and jam a thin long part of it into the teeth and push it in(tightening them). this will push the locking teeth out and disengage with the teeth on the hinge, allowing you to pull the hinge out.

covid vax was world-wide mass murder, and not a single person will go to jail or get a death penalty.

The reason antifa, blm, wokenes are so strong is simply because people want to belong. Their counry is not homogenous so they felt alone their whole lives. So when opportunity to become a part of a large group presents itself, people are very susceptable to join in order to feel like they belong. It is that simple.

the business model of discord is quite genius. instead of paying for server and per user basis. users themselves pay and servers are free. it makes so much more sense than slack, which is dying out because of it.

"women will never listen to anything but lies".

- cappy

this is such a great example of a society, it's not even funny how accurate it is. you simply cannot have a democratic society be successful. it will inevitably destroy itself.

all success in life is pure luck. you can increase your chances by doing some things or being in some places, but luck is luck and that's that.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.