
Homosexual is quite a misused term, if you think about it.

@Justicar I did think about it. Faggot fag, queer but pirate, brown clown, pedophile it's all the same shit to me

@MrpoopyButhole i was implying that homo us human and homo sexual means being attracted to other humans. it has nothing to do with same sex. so calling someone homosexual/homo as derogatory term is nonsensical, hence misused.

@Justicar homosexual and homosapien is not the same thing.


There was a Orthodox Jewish text that I remember reading claiming something like that if a Jew has sex with a gentile it is not adultery but it is bestiality because Gentiles are not human

I can not seem to find it right now with a search engine but I remember it being easy to find in the past

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