There is no such a thing as Judeo-Christianity

Promoting Zionist lies by adding the star of David Hexagram symbols of evil to ten commandment posters

Source for screenshot

The First Commandment: No Other Gods | Belief It Or Not

Belief It Or Not



@shortstories jesus was a jew. his mother was from the tribe of or cross, it's one and the same.

Jesus was a Judean according to the new testament but Jesus did not practice the Jewish religion which was not invented until after Christianity

The Jewish religions foundational texts were written after Christianity and mocking Jesus is central to them

Unless Christianity is all about mocking Jesus then Judaism and Christianity are not the same religion so there is no such religion as Judeo Christianity

The Jewish religion is not based on the Christian Old Testament but negates it

@shortstories @Justicar the christian n ew testament in sacrificing jesus for our sins is entirealy a jewish ritual
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