I have a theory about the supposed increase in autists. The internet is to blame. Not simply because people can look up terms and mis-diagnose themselves (though this is part of it), but rather that the internet has the unfortunate side effect of allowing people to be "terminally online."

When you are doing the vast majority of your communication through text alone, you are missing most of the actual communication you would get in a natural social situation (vocal inflections, emotions)



> I have a theory about the supposed increase in autists. The internet is to blame.

Nope. The reason is that some time ago, multiple vaccines got bunched together and injected all at once instead of one by one. This causes the body to go into overload mode and can fry your brain from all the inflammation and immune system going haywire, at such a young age. Vaccines must be used on their own with enough time in between so the body can process them.

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