
DEI is literally illegal on constitutional level. How come it is so widespread then? Is the modern society just a Potemkin Village where we all just pretend it's real because the reality would mean some kind of war to cleanse the degeneracy out of it and we're simply too comfortable with our possessions to fix it?

The american civil war killed the constitution.

@Justicar It is far too comfortable to do anything.

Imagine being legally required to house a squad of soldiers in your home for an indefinite period of time.

Imagine an entire state being told that they would no longer be allowed to make shipments ala Covid lockdown until the actions of a group of hoodlums which cost the government $1.7MM were paid.

@Justicar Imagine being told that you were no longer allowed to have a mayor or a town council and that a Fed was being appointed to make legislation as he saw fit with one of his first acts being to ban all public gatherings.

Imagine if you sentenced a raping and murdering politician to death only to have them whisked away to another the capitol for another trial with no cause?

@Justicar Correction to my first response: Imagine being legally required to house a squad of soldiers in your garage.

@Justicar If you (not you personally, Justicar) thought, "Oh, it's not that bad..." when reading those, then it is far too comfortable now for you than it was for the American founding fathers.

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