A couple shows ago someone mentioned that a downside of being a trans woman is that the masons won't accept you. That is partially correct. Each state in the US has its own Grand Lodge, which are totally independent of one another. Some simply say you must have been "born a male". I would recommend anyone looking into Masonry check their state's Grand Lodge's ruling on the matter.

St.Valentine's Day is great: all the fireworks are on sale from two day's prior.

DoubleD boosted

🥳 i finally replaced my s3 object storage backend with my own service. took only the whole freaking week 😂

@Mike_Microwave @shortstories @Based_Accelerationist @Mongoliaboo We will see what happens as I exert my influence within the community. I hope that my influence will lead people to conclude that indeed if the community is to grow, we have to do the opposite of female empowerment.

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I had an excellent discussion with an Orthodox priest today. He agrees that the West is sick, that equality is a lie, and that divorce laws are terrible.

He agrees with all the specifics of TWRA, but his advice is hope that the right one can be found; so, there is hope for the younger part of the community provided they are willing to enforce patriarchy. Even if he doesn't openly advocate for patriarchy, I will take not standing in its way. Social enforcement of consequences is the key.

While TFM is correct about the West falling and the East rising, and I understand the point he was making, I believe in the Wed. show he wasn't thinking about the Chinese empires that were thriving during and after Rome.

The notion of "the known world" being ruled by a single dominant power is a bit flexible.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica I was just reading about The Divine Energies, and the language has given a more contemplative perspective on God.

"This supramental sensation of the Living God (which is experienced in contemplation) is accompanied by a vision of light, of light essentially different from physical light. Man himself abides in light because...he then neither sees nor feels his own material being or the materiality of the world."

This is great language for communicating this experience.

@Tfmonkey Do you think that we should put our 6 months of emergency cash into a money market or simply keep it in a checking account and forego the gains it could make in favor of full liquidity? I'm contemplating moving 5 out of the 6 months' funds. That would give me a month's worth while I pull the rest if I need it.

@Tfmonkey I'm not surprised you don't like soy sauce if all you've had is stuff from American Chinese restaurants. There is good tequila and there is gasoline; it's same idea.

Low-quality soy sauce is crap, but you could add a Tbsp of decent soy sauce to braising liquid like you would add a dash of liquid smoke to baked beans or a squeeze of tomato paste into chili. In all such cases, you add umami and increase the meat's "meatiness".

I believe that Mises can be forgiven for his mistaken understanding of female nature as an advocate of classical liberalism because at the time (1922), psychoanalysis was brand new, Evolutionary Psychology didn't exist yet, feminism was in phase 1, and its effects were not felt yet: most families unaffected.
I think if he were alive today, he would conclude that MGTOW is a perfectly reasonable reaction to the market and that female empowerment has brought about the dissolution of the family.

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If you've not read "Socialism" by Ludwig von Mises, I would recommend it. In one of the earlier chapters he discusses how the feminist movement has at its heart socialism as a common end.

Additionally, I do not fully agree with some of his conclusions about the potential for female nature to be much more like male nature, but his assessment of the facts are accurate...

@Tfmonkey Here is feedback as you requested at the end of the Saturday show:

It's not gameplay as-such that is the issue. George can play any game, or you can play games like FGO or Killing Floor 2 without issue as you can still discuss things.

Gameplay requires too much concentration such as Path of Exiles 2 during a boss fight or Identity V's gameplay detracts from the show because it becomes visual-only.

If you want those high-concentration games, have another stream for just games.

A new video from Marcus remembering those of the community who are no longer with us and what the community once was: youtube.com/watch?v=KwqLa1xo-R

I've noticed something in my various endeavors to research topics: people tend think in examples rather than categories.

If I am attempting to investigate categories of operations, I will find thousands of specific examples.

Finally, I realized that to discover categories, start from the objective and work through means to achieve it in categories. Working both up and down the conceptual pyramid is a beneficial skill.

DoubleD boosted

Why would you sleep on the couch because your wife is upset at something you said? Unless she is earning more than half of the family's income, assuming splitting all assets according to wages earned, she has no standing to dictate where you sleep.

If a man sleeps on the couch its because he chooses to do so. I would however recommend constructive feedback instead of mere criticism. How is she to improve if you don't provide feedback that is practical?

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Because I value sharing my opinion when it might be though provoking, here's my previous post so that everyone will see it without my horrendous faux pas of long posting under a meme:

I was doing some research on demographics in the US. It appears that more than in the past individuals are religiously unaffiliated though still religious, and the younger the segment examined, the greater the percentage of non-affiliation.
(source: pewresearch.org/religion/2022/)

I was investigating the proper term for a desire for wholesome interactions with the opposite sex thinking that perhaps it had been classified as a kink given Western society's state, but I found many examples of females saying what they enjoy for dates...

Everything was about them being whores or sluts: the posts were of carnal pleasure or about status and wealth required for unlocking said pleasure.

I am not surprised. I'll simply speak of a desire for wholesomeness without a specific term.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.