
a guys asks on hacker news where are some good online communities. i explained what i was posting recently in here about them being dead since all good people left due to perverts that took over. and obviously my comment got flagged, even though i have not used any kind of pejoratives or spicy language. people have no idea how strong the censorship is EVERYWHERE. the gaslighting has never been larger in our entire human history than it is today, despite being the most connected we've ever been

@Justicar Isn't it a shame someone needs to ask? I think the problem is we're too interconnected. Back in the day, the biggest group you were a part of was probably a forum of some sort. Dedicated servers abounded with people who gave a shit running them. Now everything's centralized, fake, and gay.

@RegalBeagle Facebook caused this with its facebook groups that many people migrated to form their original communities. and look at it now, it's died down but nobody went back to their original communities so we've lost decades of content and connections.

@RegalBeagle but i am in the same boat as that guy. i try to look for some discord groups on occasion but whenever i try one, i leave in a couple of seconds. startup groups are just a version of linkedin full of dumb self promotion posts. programming groups are full of degenerates and genz/gena that know nothing of substance.

@RegalBeagle even some old tech forums are full of people that know nothing of use. are you looking for a new email client? sure, here are 10 pages of comments. are you trying to solve a coding issue? crickets. that is what i was saying that experienced gen-x and old milenials left the building. the fat lady is singing no more.

@Justicar Can't deny that. I deleted Facebook years ago. I got a good group of guys, but like you say, we're talking about moving off Discord and over to TeamSpeak or something we host locally. If we gotta worry about some fag getting their panties in a bunch over memes reporting the server, then we gotta screen new guys. It's a hell of our own making. No one wants to be a sysad and everyone wants everything centralized. And companies want to farm our data, so no more dedicated servers

@RegalBeagle @Justicar HN is basically a puritanical church where techbros go to worship crypto and diversity engagement.


What precisely is your point?

Tech in general is ground zero for queer ideology & that won't change but there are other communities, always have been.

I've probably interacted with almost every type on that graphic and you'll find they all interact with each other.

E.g. Rust is a great language, it's origins are Mozilla, it's community is woke as fuck yet it serves just about every square on that pic in one way or another.

Take what you need, spit out the bones.


As for censorship, it's here and we have to deal with it. Practically that means upping your opsec/persec/infosec skills.


Now that government, big tech, and media have given the thumbs up, every forum is eliminating "controversial" posts with censorship.
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