When I was a boy, there used to be horror "news" stories about spontaneous combustion.
Usually it was old women, and they had somehow mysteriously burned to death while asleep in their armchairs, leaving only their feet and shoes intact. And the room would be fine.
Everyone loved those dumb-ass stories.
The Covidiot - Book Review
The John Cooper Show
@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Looks like China solved the military spouses fucking around problem. Incentive to fight for their own country.
The reason I joined this community is because like most men here I've gone through some bad shit. Both as a father and as a man.
I will never disclose my personal details or doxx myself, but when I see dumb fuck glowies like Scrow post takes that put 100% of the blame for the bullshit we're living under on men I will push back until I'm satisfied who they really are.
Fuck that guy.
Darth Chud "nothing ever happens" guy has had a bad week because shit definitely happened.
Watching Zelensky crash and burn after shoving half a bag of coke up his nose and sperging out while meeting Trump and Vance was HIGHLY entertaining.
Watching Eurofag leaders cope, seethe and dilate has been even more entertaining.
Tea expert, retired Fire Nation general, former Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, Grand Lotus of the Order of the White Lotus, firebending master, mentor to loveable nephew retard Zuko, Dragon of the West.
Lover of anime tiddies.