TFM claims that he is not expert on Israel and Palestine.

While he was Intelegence guy who was in middle east where the history was being writen and should have the most informations to do his Job well.

Lol and claiming that there can be some points for Israel like Palestine was free.

So why need to kill Palestinians if it was free and Palestinians were not there🤣 🤡 :happyjewishmerchant:

Even normies and NPCs see through their lies.

@Stahesh TFM is right about women. everything else, he is usually wrong. i think people take his word as truth after they subscribe to his mgtow views and not question him afterwards. which is a mistake.

@Justicar He was right but forced to promote propaganda.

He just does it little and he try to be vague to hide it.

True that most of his new stands are pretty bad.

Like sitting in cash while US print money. at least you can have it somewhere.

Not mentioning he told we should be ready for hyperinflation and I would rather have something than worthless cash.

We should invest money because I doubt that rich guys want to be worthless.

Not mentionin if system goes down so do your money.

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