@VeganMGTOW @Lorgar

We need a voluntary collective of individualists who are only in the collective because they voluntary choose to do so to defend themself against collectives of anti-individualists

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar Family is a collective. This nice picture is (((suspect))).

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW This is how all communities begin. Then coercition come into place once corruption start spoiling everything.

Oh look, another retarded meme conflating marxism and fascism when those two are mortal enemies. 🙄
Does anyone have that meme showing men behind a shield wall and them yelling to an individualist with a "read john locke" t-shirt to get behind the shields with them, only for him to smugly dismiss their "primitive collectivism" and finally he gets a spear thrown through his chest?
Good luck fighting an army as an individual nigga

@matty I've done it once. Seriously.

But I was lucky. Can't tell more though.

>Communism and Marxism are separate heads
This maymay was retarded enough as it is.
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