Fuck this is a retarded meme.

You know what happens when an individual takes on a collective?

He dies.

You know who benefits by keeping Whites from collectivizing?

the jew.

RT: https://merovingian.club/users/Lorgar/statuses/113516980109466161

@FreakSpeely Yes, individualists die quickly in a war setting. (just look at 40K). Ironically the more a society radicalize against individualism and the more you will feel its importance.

Making media references to substantiate claims about real life situations is a retarded thing to do. You would have to quote actuary tables from the various wars in order to make the claim properly.

@Dagnar @FreakSpeely no individualist society (or small tribe) has survived to this day. They all died or have been enslaved. We don't need any proof beyond that.

So why are you posting individualism memes again? You're counter-speaking yourself.

@Dagnar @FreakSpeely I like individualism. But I recognize the obvious weaknesses of it. It’s important to be able to think by yourself to not fall into retarded ideologies. But apart from that we need each other to survive.

If we were alone on a island life would be miserable.

By retarded ideologies, do you mean like how modern Americanism is built on consumerism and materialism?

@Dagnar @FreakSpeely I wasn't explicitly thinking about that. More like a herd of sheep following an authority figure without thinking for themselves.

If that's what you think of NatSoc, you've been slurping the jewish media cock. They weren't mindless drones, and a war loss doesn't equate to failure of the ideology.
People want ethnostates. Globalism and mixed race paperwork nationalism are so unpopular, they have to be persuaded, coerced, and in some cases forced at gunpoint.
People want their traditions to continue and thrive. Inviting dissimilar peoples into your land only dilutes your culture and traditions and in order to accommodate the "new" citizens, the native culture must be demonized as "racist"
People don't want usury. In many countries, especially Islamic ones, usury is so illegal it can be a death sentence. Debt-based economics are part of a larger negativity where "You owe me!" becomes the weapon to rape others of their value.

@Dagnar @FreakSpeely Usury is bad yes. No argument against that.
For people’s cultures, traditions, and even genetic purity I think there shouldn’t be any agendas to either destroy them or prevent any change. They should slowly evolve over time, naturally, letting the strong live and the weak go.
For the nazis, their diplomacy was terrible and military strategies abysmal. I invite you to look at Military History Visualized on Youtube. He debunks a lot of myths about the 4th Reich army.

@Lorgar @Dagnar @FreakSpeely Individualism versus collectivism is a dogmatic meme and I assert that it is fake and gay and also dumb and bad.
In our natural state we are social and individual both, subordinating our desires when they conflict with the collective good, and striving and making our own way when appropriate.
Of course some men are born to be extremists in this regard, like specialists, savants, and mavericks, but even then they engage with the rest of society.
It is a scale. Anyone that is fully individualist is a selfish asshole and anyone that is fully collectivist is an NPC.
The best kind of society is one that supports and encourages both, and to be the best you can be as both an individual and part of the group.
A NatSoc society.
There's also more than one collective. Religion, race, nation, family. The rejection of that last one especially makes me raise a brow at the "collective BAD" bros.
Family is the first and most important collective and the basic unit of any larger identity. Anything that diminishes and attacks it can only be held as evil.
I do this a lot where I read a comment and like it or whatever, then read it again a little later and am like "no that gets reposted"

One of those times.
It's why homosex is such a terrible thing. It is the ultimate selfish act, to end your bloodline simply to screw your own sex, and why almost all of them are viciously anti-family.
Abortion gives it a run for its money, but kid fucking is probably the worst in my opinion. It creates faggots and dykes. When it was done by a family member said faggot can't value family when family treated them like that.
True on that. I tend to overlook abortion simply because I see it in a wholly different category: that of blood sacrifice to evil gods.
See, that's what the jewish abortion doctor gets out of it.

For the mother it is born out of pure selfishness.
Agreed. Selfishness to the extreme, because people are taught to "question" parameters as per the Frankfurt School. This is why we're having so many people debating pedophilia today. It's deconstructionism with false equivalents.
And that's why feminism was such a death blow to the West. Look what happened to Japan: we exported it, and now the men are sissies and the women frigid bitches.
Someone just posted a compilation of a troon doing this. Encouraging teenagers to go "no contact" with "problematic family members".
Typical to the last. This is also why we can bang on all day about their lack of self-awareness and it slides right off them. Instinctively, they know what they are doing. They just don't think it's a problem.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dagnar @CatLord @FreakSpeely I'm a selfish asshole, and proud of it.

But I don't make crimes and don't cost anyone money.

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