@shortstories how are feminism and Judaism connected
"Waldenberg, considered to be one of the foremost modern scholars of Jewish law in medicine, writes that severe psychological distress is as much of a legitimate reason for an abortion as severe physical distress (Tzitz Eliezer 13:102; 14:101)."
"Through human intervention"
"The Eight Genders in the Talmud
Judaism has recognized nonbinary persons for millennia."
"Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention."
"Hirschfeld understood the soldier’s plight—he was himself both homosexual and Jewish"
"Looking back on the story of Hirschfeld’s institute—his protocols not only for surgery but for a trans-supportive community of care, for mental and physical healing, and for social change"
"The rabbis understood this to mean that Adam was created as an intersexed being, a hermaphrodite;"
"Rabbinic midrashic tradition and modern students of the Bible both understand Genesis 1:27 as depicting the adam as having been created an intersex being"
"how are feminism and Judaism connected"
If you count putting the P in LGBTQ then Orthodox Judaism is connected with feminism
See article with references
there is also overwhelming evidence that the Orthodox Jewish writings promote transgenderism and some of the biolgiical claims made by the transgender movement
Additionally Orthodox Judaism according to some writings does not consider a child alive until the body comes part way out of the mother
Orthodox Judaism promotes doing whatever harm you can to gentiles unless they agree to become slaves to Jews if you can get away with it without Jews being caught & punished for attempted genocide
If Orthodox Jews believe feminism will promote genocide of all Gentiles that do not become Noahides or convert to Orthodox Judaism ( which they make very difficult if they do not consider your mother to be Jewish ) then they will support feminism for goyim