With the brutal nazi crackdown on anti genocide protests, how long before muslims lose their shit and burn everything


Muhammad compromised too much on the non Christian Jewish religion

They will not use physical force whether violent or defensive force on a massive scale in the USA as long as police, military or security capture or shoot them when they do

Muslims do not use force as much in the USA as Europe because they usually get arrested and prosecuted when they do unlike Europe and England

In Europe and England Muslims initiate violence a lot because they are not punished for it


@shortstories only paradise is promised to the martyr so how strong is their faith?

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In Germany Muslims were already violent before any of this 2023 October 7 so called invasion of Israel happened because they were given a free pass to commit any violent crime they want in order to prevent another holocaust

I do not believe that it will make them more violent because their level of violence was so great that it could not increase

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