When Windows 10 will stop serving me, I think i will switch to Linux. I tried it before, multiple times, but never stuck to it. Windows is my comfort zone. But Microsoft is making it into spyware pretending to be an OS and that is my red line. Last time I even tried Fedora, like in the video, but it did not work at all because i chose distribution with some flawed package manager. Next time I think Fedora will be on the top of my list again though.



@Justicar Ubuntu. Linux Mint is good, too. If anyone suggests Arch or Gentoo, block them.

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@Mongoliaboo @Justicar Manjaro is acceptable as a newbie distro despite being Arch based. Though I would recommend Linux Mint or LMDE (Mint without Ubuntu base) to a Windows user and ElementaryOS to a MacOS user.

They both alleviate the UI shock that you could have with Ubuntu.

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