
Not just Black people, but anyone of a lower average IQ band.

* Jews/Asians = 115ish
* Anglos/WASPs = 110ish
* Southern Euros = 105ish
* Irish = 95ish
* Eastern Euros = 105ish
* Hispanics/Amerinds = 92ish
* Blacks = 90ish
* Aborigines = 80ish
* Californians = 70ish

@amerika @Pain66

Jewish IQ is only around 103 and most of what moves it up is verbal intelligence.

@amerika @Pain66 The IQ test that matters is who got the Covid Jab and who didn't.

@VeganMGTOW @Pain66

That test matters too, but covers more than IQ.

High-O people had trouble rejecting the jab.

Despite being High-O, after some years in technology I am extremely skeptical of unproven tech.

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