
I don’t know if this is real. But bitch really just said no sex before marriage thinking she a virgin.

@Pain66 She is 100% going to divorce any man retarded enough to fall for this, at most 2 years into the marriage.
I feel like just swiping left isn't enough in this case...
@Pain66 why are you even paying attention 2 women like this in the first place

@OceanRedux @Pain66

28 yrs old, 4 kids, tattoos all over the place, I bet you anything her pussy is louse as fuck, no sex untill marriage but I bet you she is getting sex on the side and thinks this is ok, shit like this only makes sense in a womans head. The trap has been set boys

@Pain66 @Pain66 "You're both interested in watching TV and movies."

This is what passes for common ground nowadays.

No wonder the divorce rate is so high.

@Pain66 You are both interested in watching tv and movies. A perfect match!

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