
Pearly things is setting off a twitter storm on right wing twitter over how bad of a deal marriage is. It’s hilarious and also sad at the same time to see conservative inc and right wing women defend marriage until like schizo sjws. They’re losing their minds over the hint that pearly might be red pilling conservatives young guys into avoiding marriage. Really goes to show how both the left and right really just wanna enslave men for their own gain. Fuck them all.

· Edited · · Mona for iPhone · 2 · 4 · 5


Marriage is not the bum deal; divorce laws are.


Well, they're linked. Inextricably, to rely on an overused word.

As soon as one gets married, one is subject to divorce laws.

I hate to agree with a shill like Pearl, but the things she's posting are correct. (Sadly)


@IceCubeSoup @Pain66

True, but without the laws, this would not be a problem of marriage.

@Pain66 The right is less so trying to enslave men and more so just scared to admit that all traditional family formation can not occur under the status quo. Obviously their rhetoric is harmful, but far from that malicious. No, they're just moral cowards who should be ignored. I'd consider myself adjacent to them, but would rather not perpetuate a system that hates me and wait for family until it is gone.

@Pain66 Basically they don't want to admit they have totally lost and then take the responsibility to be the revolutionary change necessary for their ideas to be fruitful again. Moral Cowards.

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