@houseoftolstoy well according to the official taxonomy they are distinct species, cry all you want. Yes they could probably produce fertile offspring, but so can a Coyote and a pittbull, are they the exact same species too?
@houseoftolstoy ah, then you are a retard with a marginally fancy vocabulary and are wasting my time, you say that any two organisms that can produce fertile offspring are the same sub-species? why is the sub-species criteria not important?
@PordanJeterson I said same species, not same sub-species. Don't put words in my mouth. I would not argue that they are the same sub-species, and the image in question says "species" and not "sub-species."
@PordanJeterson >but so can a Coyote and a pittbull, are they the exact same species too?
If they can indeed produce fertile offspring, I will gladly call them the same species. I don't care about what some official taxonomy says if they are going to pick and choose which are distinct species and which are not based on inconsistent criteria. And if these people tell me otherwise, I will challenge them to apply the standard to different races of humans as well.