@Tfmonkey So, you say its not black men making me it harder for me to get laid, and its not white guys making it harder for asian men to get laid. look, im perfectly willing to admit this might be limited to cities, but im stuck in a city unfortunately. You were talking completely out of your ass, and don't understand the issue at all, or worse, you are purposefully gaslighting people. Furthermore, the white women that are available inevitably cheat on you with niggers.

@PordanJeterson if you live where the women are whores, just rent them like everyone else and stop looking for a wife in a whorehouse.

@Tfmonkey @PordanJeterson The goal should be turning whores back into women, many solutions TFM has already covered ad nauseam.


@anonymous @Tfmonkey ......which would be subsequent to TWRA. we are kinda saying the same thing, you are just getting into more explicit detail of what TWRA would look like.

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@PordanJeterson @Tfmonkey If this has anything to do with a recent show I haven't seen it yet, but why complain? So many better things you could be doing then crypto-thirsting.

@anonymous latest saturday show. TFM contradicts himself alot, and also often expresses sympathy for an issue in a general sense, like how men are treated in college, but then when someone like me comes around complaining I can't find anything to do with my life after getting kicked out of school on a Title 9 BS case....Im just blaming my problems on everyone else, and should honestly go jump off of a cliff somewhere.

@PordanJeterson I might have believed that before he starting joking about Jew cum.
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