@Tfmonkey So, you say its not black men making me it harder for me to get laid, and its not white guys making it harder for asian men to get laid. look, im perfectly willing to admit this might be limited to cities, but im stuck in a city unfortunately. You were talking completely out of your ass, and don't understand the issue at all, or worse, you are purposefully gaslighting people. Furthermore, the white women that are available inevitably cheat on you with niggers.

@PordanJeterson if you live where the women are whores, just rent them like everyone else and stop looking for a wife in a whorehouse.


@Tfmonkey Even if I rent a white whore, her vagina is still going to be prolapsed from her black clients. Sick of this hotdog down a hallway shit...haven't seen a tight vagina since my catholic school girlfriend in my early 20s. Women are just too gross to touch anymore. I don't feel that a white woman who has developed a taste for BBC will ever uniornically be attracted to a white man again.

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