Maybe they really are Gods chosen people, maybe, they will Mr.Magoo their plans up so badly that they will give all of the good modern genes to the squaz through white women, integrate all of the 3rd world populations the white man stole from, and then they come for the globalist elite too, and they all get africanized, that was gods vision, one big, africanosemitichinoabboeuropoid family..... thats almost as absurd as supercalifragilisticexpyaladocious!
@shortstories The Ashkenazi Jews, Sicilians, Greeks, and Macedonians are all basically the same people, Im lithuanian, russian and sicilian with levantine and north african admixture, strongly suggesting Jewish ancestry, and even if not, im like a "recombinate" ashkenazi jew, with the levantine components coming from my mother, and the eastern european genes from my father.
@PordanJeterson You can train Africans easily like a PET through hunger AND pain. Europeans are too divide bewteen progresives AND conservatives.
The Ashkenazi Jewish religion practitioners are fraud's chosen people