
The world is your enemy.

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@RodrickSage noooo, the world is the enemy of the retarded ideologies of the morally weak men who denies truth and beauty of this world!

If you look at your ear, a snail’s shell, or the galaxy, it is the same geometric figure, the spiral of Fibonacci! It means there must be an order, a fountain of creation somewhere in this universe.

@RodrickSage But it also means that there is a source of spite, retardation, and envy for those who hate that fact. Because they feel they received less than others or because they want to dominate and abuse others.

But the universe is infinite and always expanding. It will crush their pathetic selves and as they will stand in front of the truth they will mutter: “my stupidity… melts in front of the light of truth…” before being blasted apart by a column of holy light!

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